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Why 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Is The Most Powerful Rudraksha Bead?

by Shubham Tripathi 18 Jul 2022 0 comments
Why 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Is The Most Powerful Rudraksha Bead?

You'll find different types of Rudraksha beads available on the Earth's crust, and they are classified based on their faces (Mukhs). According to the experts, you can buy 1 to 21 Mukhi Rudraksha beads, but the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is the most powerful among all. The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha bead is worn by many saints and scholars as it holds the ability to get rid of all negativity around you. The wearer of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha gets free of any unwanted bonds, and all of his/her wishes come true. If you're also interested in buying an authentic Panchmukhi Rudraksha, you should read this blog further to know why it is the most powerful Rudraksha bead.

Relation Between Lord Shiva and Rudraksha

According to Hindu Mythology, a Rudraksha bead originated from the teardrops of Lord Shiva. If you break the word - Rudraksha, you'll find - "Rudra" - meaning Shiva and "Aksha" meaning teardrops. Therefore, experts suggest that you should use a Rudraksha bead in the month of Sawan to avail of all of its benefits. Moreover, the power of the Rudraksha bead is also mentioned in Shiv Puran, Padma Puran, Rudrakshalp, and other ancient texts.

When it comes to the Panch Mukhi Rudraksha, it beholds the power to get rid of all common issues in the human body like anger, greed, lust, ego, and affection. All of the characteristics mentioned above can become a stumbling block in achieving success and cause other personal issues as well. As the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha can have a direct impact on the human character, it is believed to be the most powerful Rudraksha bead.

The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha beads can make the wearer fearless and goal-oriented. Furthermore, it can cure insomnia and memory loss and makes the person calmer and more self-aware. In addition, the wearer gets psychological benefits and mental peace if he or she wears the 5 Mukhi Rudraksha beads.

The Master of 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

Jupiter, a press planet and the lord of Panchmukhi Rudraksha, is one of the most powerful protectors and ruling planets in Vedic astrology. It ensures spiritual growth and knowledge to those who wear these empowered five-faced beads. It helps the wearer achieve uniqueness amidst society as it makes him or her acquire quick learning skills by which he or she can easily remember what has been read and comprehend it well. In addition, it also provides physical health benefits to those who get its supportive blessings from wearing 5 Mukhi rudraksha as well.

So, before you get to wear the 5 Mukhi Mantra, you should know about its:

Presiding Deity: Kalaagni Rudra

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Namah

As per the renowned astrologers, there are multiple mantras for 5 Mukhi Rudraksha, but we suggest the two best ones:

  1. Om Namah Shivaya, meaning "my salutations to Shiva, the auspicious one."
  2. Om Hring Namah, meaning "I bow to Supreme Consciousness, as the universal Divine resonance vibrates within my heart as Shakti, to that Consciousness who is my beloved teacher, I bow."

You should wear the Panch Mukhi Rudraksha bead on Mondays and make sure that you take a bath before you touch the bead or mala. You have to soak the bead in water and milk and then apply sandalwood on it before you thread it to silk or wool. Keep the mala or bead at the worship place of your home and wear it after energizing it with Gangajal. As you wear the Rudraksha bead, you can chant the mantra 108 times.

Who Can Wear 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

People who are searching for peace, want to improve their self-awareness, and learn how to achieve balance in the modern world can make the decision to wear the Original Rudraksha bead. Any person is eligible to wear this powerful bead, but people who struggle with distractions or need meaningful goals in life should consider it before anyone else. Just think of it as a meditation support module that can help you lead a full, healthy, and balanced lifestyle by tuning in to your deepest personal needs - and working out means peaceful coexistence with others. You may also seek guidance from an experienced mentor or simply choose a place where you can work on your learning or serving goals in peace, such as your office space at home, depending on what works best for each case individually. You will see positive results if you get serious about using it wisely.

How To Wear A 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

Before you wear the Rudraksha bead for mala, you must get it energized from a Brahmin pandit in a temple. Then, you must wash the beads with cow milk before you wear them in silk or wool thread. As you begin the puja, make sure you're facing the North direction with a pure mind. Afterward, you can start chanting the mantra "Om Hreem Namah '' 108 times and wear the Rudraksha. You can wear the Rudraksha bead on a Monday or Thursday and wear it as a necklace or bracelet.

Where To Buy a 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

As a Rudraksha is just like a precious gemstone, you'll find numerous fake sellers in the market. Hence, you should rely only on a genuine seller, whether selling the products online or offline. One of the most reliable sellers in India is "Shiv Kripa Rudraksha Kendra." Established in Haridwar, we specialize in authentic Rudraksha beads and other precious gemstones. We offer 100% Natural and Lab Tested Products, so if you need a Panchmukhi Rudraksha or any other Rudraksha beads ranging from 1 Mukhi Rudraksha to 21 Mukhi, consider us the best. Other products like Rudraksha Mala, Nepali Rudraksha, Indonesian Rudraksha, Shaligram, Shankh, Shivling, Shri Yantra, and other Spiritual Items. We also offer 24/7 customer support and are adept at shipping our products worldwide.

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